The Australian Productivity Commission (PC) is due to hold a number of public hearings on Australia’s urban water sector over the coming months.  The PC has formally invited interested parties to register their interest in the inquires.


The Commission aims to identify possible reforms to bolster efficiency in the structural, institutional and regulatory arrangements that currently govern the sector.


Commission will:

  • provide options to achieve identified efficiency gains
  • subject these options to a rigorous cost-benefit analysis to identify their:
    • economic, social and environmental impacts
    • impacts on Australian governments, business and consumers
    • propensity to facilitate supply and demand planning and decision-making in the medium and long term.
  • propose a work program including implementation plans for the options, identifying:
    • practical actions that the Commonwealth, state and territory governments and local councils can undertake to implement options for reforms, including any transitional arrangements
    • priority areas where greatest efficiency gains are evident and where early action is practicable
    • quantitative and qualitative indicators for efficiency gains in the urban water and waste water sectors.


In the course of the inquiry, the Commission will consult widely with government agencies and other interested parties.


All capital cities will host an inquiry and registrations can be made on the Commission’s website