The Victorian government has commissioned a new $48 million recycled water plant in Altona to deliver up to nine megalitres of Class A recycled water for manufacturing and irrigation use each day.

The state government plans to expand the use of recycled water for non-potable needs across the state to save billions of litres of drinking water each year.

The water will be used by a neighbouring chemical manufacturer, two golf courses and public parks in Melbourne’s west.


The plant uses membrane technology to treat effluent from the plant, removing salt and other contaminants.


The recycled water is then pumped via a purpose-built pipeline to plastics manufacturer Qenos for cooling tower and boiler operation, and to two golf courses and council-owned public space for irrigation.


City West Water managing director Anne Barker said the plant would begin supplying recycled water to customers immediately, with more customers being investigated for supply in the future.


“The use of recycled water in industrial applications ensures we are extracting maximum efficiency from our infrastructure and providing local solutions to water demand,” Ms Barker said.


“Expanding the use of recycled water is a key part of our business and this new treatment plant is just one of the alternate water solutions we provide to our community.”


The project will significantly reduce the amount of wastewater discharged from the Altona Treatment Plant into Port Phillip Bay. It will deliver:

  • about 2 billion litres annually to plastics manufacturer Qenos for use in its boilers and cooling towers;
  • 300 million litres to Sanctuary Lakes Golf Club to irrigate its golf course;
  • 200 million litres to Kooringal Golf Club to irrigate its golf course; and
  • 5 million litres to Hobsons Bay City Council to irrigate Altona Green Park and 6 million litres for HD Graham Reserve. Water will also be used for urban streetscape watering and dust suppression.

The Victorian Government contributed $5 million towards the project.