The Victorian Government has ordered 125 gigalitres of water from the Desalination Plant for next financial year.

The state government says the order will secure water supplies in the face of population growth, climate change and falling rainfall.

“This decision is based on several factors including current water storage conditions, projected water demands, possible future climate conditions and the balance between managing security of supply and minimising customer impacts,” it said in a statement.

Although 2020 started wetter than average, rainfall in 2019 was five per cent lower than the 30-year average across Melbourne’s four major catchments.

Over the last five years, Melbourne has used around 68 gigalitres more water each year than what flows into its catchments naturally.

Desalinated water has made up the difference – supplying more than 190 gigalitres into Melbourne’s supply system since the plant was turned on in 2016-17.

Without vital rain-independent water from the plant, Melbourne’s water storages would be 10.8 per cent lower than the 61.2 per cent capacity they are currently at today.