Conservationists say that with ship traffic set to skyrocket, measures must be taken to protect sensitive coastal areas.

Aboriginal groups want their hunting rights protected in NT’s new animal welfare bill.

Gas company Linc Energy has been found guilty of causing serious environmental harm.

BP once proposed that an oil spill in the Great Australian Bight would provide a “welcomed boost” to local economies.

Researchers are recreating the underwater geolocation abilities of the mantis shrimp.

Dangerous neurotoxins have been discovered for the first time in algal bloom samples ...

Researchers using drones to observe southern right whales have for the first time revealed the high cost on the mother of giving birth and raising a young calf.

The deteriorating Menindee to Broken Hill pipeline will be decommissioned.

Sections of the Darling River south of Bourke have dried up.

Research predicts food production issues, water scarcity, and economic losses if the Paris goals cannot be reached.

Engineers have created a new water purification device that uses sunlight and ‘hydrogels’.

The Northern Territory’s fracking review has handed down its final report.

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