High spring inflows mean River Murray irrigators will see a 100 per cent water allocation this financial year.

South Australian irrigators were looking at receiving just 36 per cent of their allocation at the start of the season, but that figure has now grown to 100 per cent after the state saw its highest spring inflows for 23 years.

“This will give our water users some certainty in making their decisions for 2017-2018,” River Murray Minister Ian Hunter said.

“Last year, South Australia’s River Murray experienced the highest flow in 23 years, but as widely known, the wettest months can quickly revert to drier times.”

But he was keen to warn that while the state will receive its full entitlement flow of 1850 gigalitres water this year, climate models continue to forecast potentially dry conditions for late 2017, which could affect next year’s allocation.

Private carry-over will not be granted in 2017-2018.

The Murray Darling Basin Authority has advised that it is more important to make this available in the future, when dry years could see water allocations restricted.