Hinze Dam water storage capacity doubled
The water storage capacity of Hinze Dam on the Gold Coast has been doubled by a 15 metre raise of the dam wall.
The higher wall also will provide increased flood protection for more than 3000 homes in lower Nerang River catchment.
The Queensland Minister for Energy and Water Utilities Stephen Robertson said the raising of the dam wall had been completed by Hinze Dam Alliance construction group despite the wettest spring and summer on record.
The project employed about 350 workers, 75 per cent of them Gold Coast residents.
“The weather challenged construction efforts and it is a credit to the Alliance workers that the milestone has been achieved on time and within the budget,” Mr Robertson said.
The dam wall has been raised from 93.5 metres to 108.5 metres. It is now the highest central clay core and rock dam in Queensland.
The dam’s new capacity is 309,700 million litres.
Further information on the dam upgrade is available at http://www.hinzedamstage3.com or by calling 1800 993 413