Midlands Water Scheme given green light
The Federal Government has endorsed a major new irrigation project in Tasmania.
The Midlands Water Scheme has been given the go-ahead after a strategic assessment under national environmental law, which included extensive public consultation.
The Midlands Water Scheme will involve building new pipelines, infrastructure and using dams so that water can be delivered to up to 500 farms from Perth to Kempton, providing up to 47, 500 megalitres of water each year.
A part of the scheme involves construction of a new off-river 6000 megalitre dam located at Miford Dam on cleared farmlands, to be connected to the Lower South Esk River by new pipeline. '
The Gillard Government has committed $140 million under its Water for the Future initiative to support efficient irrigation in Tasmania, subject to due diligence requirements.
The next step in the Midlands Water Scheme is consideration of a range of activities that will take place under the endorsed scheme. Where approved, such activities will need no further federal environmental assessment, provided they are done in accordance with the scheme.