Archived Industry News for Water Professionals - January, 2011
Recent amendments to the NSW Water Management Act 2000 mean that there are no longer impediments to private water trusts and private irrigation districts in NSW complying with the Water Market Rules and the Water Charge (Termination Fees) Rules. These amendments were made following concerns raised by a number of NSW private water trusts and private irrigation districts about their ability to give effect to their obligations under the Water Market Rules and Water Charge (Termination Fees) Rules.
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission will now be actively monitoring and working with the NSW based trusts and irrigator districts to ensure compliance with the rules.
“The ACCC expects compliance by all operators as the rules have now been in full effect for more than 12 months and any adjustment period has now passed” ACCC Chairman Graeme Samuel said today. “Any irrigators who are concerned that their water supplier is preventing them from trading their water should contact the ACCC”.
Shaun Cox appointed as Melbourne Water MD
Melbourne Water has announced that Shaun Cox will become the new Managing Director.
Wivenhoe and Somerset dams Operations Manual released
The Queensland government has released the Operations Manual used to manage water levels in Wivenhoe and Somerset dams. The release of the document is part of the state government’s commitment to full transparency on matters relating to the Commission of Inquiry announced by Premier Anna Bligh.
Consotrium selected for Sydney decentralised water plan
A consortium has been selected by the City of Sydney to develop a decentralised water master plan for the Local Government Area which would include Australia’s first city-wide recycled water network and significantly reduce demands on drinking water supplies.