The Federal Government has announced the extension of the Coasts and Climate Change Council until December 2011, saying its principal focus would be on advising government to ensure progress on coastal adaptation.

It will also support the implementation of key recommendations agreed to in the November 2010 response to the House of Representatives report Managing our Coasts in a Changing Climate: the time to act is now.

The Council’s terms of reference are:

A new Water Recycling Education Centre has opened in Sydney to explain the role of water recycling in securing the state’s water supply.

AquaSure has agreed to the release of the forecast yearly payments beginning in 2012/13 for the desalination plant.

Minister for Water Peter Walsh has appointed new directors to the Goulburn-Murray Water board in an interim capacity.

A $3.3 million groundwater research site is being officially launched at Willunga on Adelaide's southern fringe.

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