Archived Industry News for Water Professionals - September, 2012
Drinking water has begun to flow from the new Victorian Desalination Plant through the 84 kilometre underground pipeline and into Melbourne’s Cardinia Reservoir.
Northern Basin Advisory Committee holds inaugural meeting
The Murray-Darling Basin Authority’s (MDBA) Northern Basin Advisory Committee has held its first meeting in Canberra to discuss specific issues facing the Northern Basin area.
Government announces funding for flood mapping
The Federal Government has announced the signing of a $5 million agreement between Geoscience Australia and Engineers Australia that will see a complete revision of the Australian Rainfall and Runoff guide, with an aim to achieve a better understanding of flood risks faced by communities.
WA launches water saving plan for Middle Canning River
The Western Australian Government has launched an allocation plan it says will deliver significant water efficiency gains for the Middle Canning River while supporting existing use and maintaining its ecological values.
ERA releases final costing draft report
Western Australia’s Economic Regulation Authority (ERA) has released its final Draft Report on costing and appropriate charges for the services of the Water Corporation, Aqwest and the Busselton Water Board.
LMW posts $8.8 million loss
North-eastern Victorian water supplier Lower Murray Water has posted a $8.8 million loss in its 2011/12 Annual Report.
Government introduces Water Amendment Bill
The Federal Government has introduced a bill aimed at assisting in delivering economic, social and environmental outcomes for the Murray Darling Basin.
Water CRC officially opened
The Federal Government has officially launched the new Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) for Water Sensitive Cities, which will work with over 70 research, industry and government partners to find new and better ways to use and reuse water resources.
OGC releases WaterML2.0
International standards body Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) has released a new water information standard, known as WaterML2.0.
Queensland receives independent flood report
The Queensland Government has announced it is now considering an independent review of Seqwater’s report into the January 2011 floods.
Queensland acts on water fluoridation
The Queensland Government ahs announced that some communities that have not yet implemented water fluoridation will have an opportunity to apply for exemption.
Newlands EIS open to public
The Queensland Government has invited communities and stakeholders to view the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the expansion of Xstrata Coal’s Newlands Coal Mine.
NSW confirms aquifer interference policy
The New South Wales Government has confirmed the implementation of new protections being afforded to groundwater aquifers across the state.
NSW displays West Dapto plan
The New South Wales Government has opened the Environmental Assessment (EA) of Sydney Water’s $225 million to the public for a consultation period.
NSW opens irrigator funding
The New South Wales Department of Primary Industries (DPI) has announced the first round of funding is now open for eligible irrigators under the $83 million Sustaining the Basin: Irrigated Farm Modernisation Project.
Water flows from desal plant
Leighton has announced the production of the first large scale amount of drinking water from its Victorian Desalination Plant.
Irrigator group challenges Murray-Darling plan
A group representing hundreds of irrigators in South Australia and Victoria have lodged a challenge against the Murray-Darling Basin plan, attempting to have it ruled as unconstitutional.
Government pledges Murray water
The Federal Government has announced Murray-Darling Basin rivers and wetlands will receive as much as 1,449 gigalitres of Commonwealth environmental water in 2013.
Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems Atlas launched
A new online Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems Atlas has been launched, presenting the first comprehensive picture of Australia's groundwater-dependent ecosystems.
Jobs and Water Commission go in Queensland budget
Staff numbers in the Queensland Energy and Water Supply Department will be reduced by half, with 135 job losses reducing the department to a workforce of 273.
NSW Strategic Regional Land Use Policy released
The NSW Government has unveiled its Strategic Regional Land Use Policy, outlining 27 new measures designed to control competing land uses, with a focus on the impacts of coal seam gas mining on land and water resources.