Archived Industry News for Water Professionals - April, 2013
A new research collaboration between the University of Queensland and three leading research institutes in Brazil will seek to deliver groundbreaking new guidelines to assess air and water quality in mining regions.
New treatment plant officially open for business
The new $94 million water treatment plan in Corio, Victoria has officially opened for business, and is set to save en estimated 2 billion litres of drinking water every year.
Queensland announces drought support
The Queensland Government has declared 13 Local Government Areas drought stricken, which collectively represent a third of the entire state.
Government scuppers trawler bid again
The bid to see the super trawler Abel Tasman operate in Australian waters has taken another blow after the Federal Government barred two large complementary commercial fishing vessels from operating in the Small Pelagic Fishery for two years.
Government extends reef rescue plan
The Federal Government has announced it will provide a further $200 million for the extension of a plan that provides landholders and farmers with funding to stop the flow of chemicals into the Great Barrier Reef.
Victoria outlines Gippsland plan
The Victorian Government has outlined its new Gippsland Lakes Environmental Strategy plan, outlining a range of strategies the Government says will protect the region’s iconic lakes.
20th century reverses 1400 years of global cooling
The 20th century has seen an almost complete reversal of over 1400 years of constant cooling temperatures, a new international study has found.
Government outlines NRM funding
The Federal Government has announced it will continue to support Natural Resources Management organisations (NRMS), with $669 million to continue work over the coming five years.
Melbourne water bills set to soar
Melbournians can expect to see significant hikes to their water bills over the next financial year following the final decision by the market regulator.
Satellite images confirm fish kill cause
New satellite images from NASA have confirmed that the mass fish kills across South Australian waters last month was likely caused by a naturally occurring algal bloom.
Irrigators get the final call on Queensland's schemes
The Queensland Government is calling on the state’s irrigators to take part in the local management review of the State’s eight irrigation schemes.
Queensland flood damage tops $2.5 billion
Queensland is looking to foot a $2.5 billion clean up bill for the flood events of 2013, according to State Treasurer Tim Nicholls.
Dividend decision sparks angry response
The Queensland Government’s decision to withdraw water dividends and tax equivalent payments has provoked an angry response from Gladstone Regional Council, who has accused the Government of a $4.19 million per annum grab’.
GMW to up limits
Goulburn-Murray Water (GMV) has announced it has received final approval to increase the Annual Use Limits (AUL) for all customers in the 2012/13 season.
New PhD scholarships open for WSC
The CRC for Water Sensitive Cities has announced the opening of two new PhD scholarships to undertake new research into urban water use and design.
New tool to help manage water assets
A new collaborative effort between the Water Services Assocation of Australia (WSAA) and Sydney Water will attempt to examine just how the nation’s $120 billon worth of water assets can be bets managed and protected in the face of extreme climate events.
Antarctic warming at historic rates
The summer ice melt in the Antarctic Peninsula has posted a 10-fold increase over the last 600 years, with the most rapid melting occurring in the last 50 years, according to a new collaborative research project conducted by the Australian National University (ANU)and the British Antarctic Survey (BAS).
Wakefield water upgrade begins
The South Australian Government has announced that the $17.1 million project to upgrade and expand the drinking water supply in Adelaide’s north has begun.
WA moves to protect Kununurra water supply
The Western Australian Government has promised to protect Kununurra’s water supply while also allowing for planned development to go ahead.
WA to conduct aerial survey of ground water
The Western Australian Department of Water has announced it will be conducting an aerial survey of the South West region to gain valuable insights into the area’s underground water resources.
Climate report a 'wake-up call' says Combet
The opportunity to effectively counter climate change is fast slipping through out fingers, a new report published by the Climate Commission has found.