Archived Industry News for Water Professionals - August, 2013
A new report has shown it takes years for small communities to recover from disasters like floods or cyclone, with damages extending beyond the physical.
Arctic ice decline observed, implications unclear
Scientists at the University of Alaska say that warming trends and sea ice declines are leading to changes in the vegetation of arctic coastal areas.
Fiery threat to water supply continues
The water supply to a major American city has been put at risk by its long-time arch nemesis; fire.
Irrigation options opened
Recent changes have come into place giving irrigators and irrigation groups more options for their tax treatments.
Lake wins water award
One of Australia’s most prolific ecologists and freshwater scientists, Professor Sam Lake has been awarded the highest honour that can be given for outstanding scientific contributions to limnology, the scientific study of inland waters.
Massive walk for watery wonder
Thousands hit the streets in Queensland on the weekend to protest industrial threats to the Great Barrier Reef.
Water permeates the moon, somehow spills to surface
Findings published in the latest edition of Nature Geoscience reveal that water from deep within the Moon’s ancient interior has made its way to the surface.
Wave-generated de-sal plumbs new levels of efficiency
A company in WA is looking to set a number of world-firsts with a project to build a wave-powered desalination plant.
Fines levelled after dirty dumping
A subsidiary of Rio Tinto has received a reasonable fine after it was found to have dumped several megalitres of contaminated water into a New South Wales river.
Ships shape-up in auditor's wake
The Australian Maritime Safety Authority has added a new target to its range; cracking down on unseaworthy vessels parking at docks and ports around the world.
Rising sea levels in Shire planning
A southern Victorian Shire is considering rising sea levels in its next planning amendments.
Council tries to net rates from slippery fish farms
A push is on in one Tasmanian council to force nearby fish farms to foot council rates.
Damsel's hidden talents unveiled
Queensland researchers have found a small fish that knows a good trick to avoid being eaten.
Farmers fear the wake of poor flood planning
Farmers near the Blowering Dam in southern New South Wales will be feeling their worry level rise, as flows from the Tumut River pushing the Dam to its limits.
Joint effort to gain full sight of the Bight
A joint initiative will see an in-depth survey of the Great Australian Bight carried out over four years by the CSIRO in collaboration with BP oil explorations.
Orange pipeline pushing forward
A massive project to droughtproof one of the biggest cities in New South Wales is moving ahead.
Processors and plants combined for water security
New research has led to the development of a model for assessing the best way to install natural barriers for protecting vital groundwater supplies.
Rebates for residents plunged into inconvenience
A suburb in Sydney had its water woes backed-up last month, when heavy downpours caused sewerage problems for nearly 1000 residents.
Resource Council says public unaware of dredge safety
The Queensland Resources Council is trying to douse the widespread concerns over planned dredging works near the Great Barrier Reef.
Sand mining continues amid concern, outrage
Sand mining will continue on North Stradbroke Island despite protests from traditional owners and conservationists over the threat to delicate wetlands and aquifers.