Archived Industry News for Water Professionals - May, 2017
Tasmanian councils have voted to keep control of TasWater, and say they will keep up the fight.
New sites to serve QLD miners
The Queensland Government has launched an online database for new geological data.
CSIRO hydro set for world markets
A new project could help Australia become the home of high-purity hydrogen ...
No seeps spotted in river review
Researchers have used new techniques to establish baseline coal seam gas datasets for the Richmond River ...
Pipes and Hydro in Federal energy fix
The Federal Government could buy a larger stake in the Snowy Hydro scheme in its push for energy security.
Waste spill closes SA beach
A 400-metre stretch of Adelaide beach was locked down after the spill of unchlorinated wastewater over the weekend.
Environmental cancer link spotted
A new study has shown an association between exposure to harmful environmental factors and cancer incidence.
WA zircon sheds light on baby Earth
For its first few hundred million years, the Earth was barren, flat and almost entirely under water, Australian scientists say.
TasWater takeover slammed again
Tasmanian councils are still fighting the State Government takeover of TasWater.
Ord siphon idea investigated
The Federal Government is helping fund a feasibility study that could see water piped underneath the Ord River.
Reef database updated
Australian and Canadian scientists have developed a new, more-accurate database of coral reef mass bleaching events around the world.
Salmon transparency demanded
Salmon producer Tassal has been accused of covering up a major fish kill in Macquarie Harbour.