The Australian Defence Force (ADF) is still investigating whether chemicals it used at a fire-fighter training centre leached into groundwater and harmed residents.

Reports say health tests will now be conducted on residents living near the potential chemical contamination at the town of Oakey in southern Queensland.

Allegations have been raised that the Army used toxic chemicals at the site over a 40-year period, during which large amounts may have leached into underground water supplies.

Nearby landholders believe they may have been affected and have asked the ADF, through their collective lawyer, to contract independent laboratories to allay concerns.

Local law firm Shine Lawyers has been gauging interest in a class action against the ADF.

Shine Lawyers lawyer Peter Shannon told the ABC he asked the ADF to pay for the checks.

“As a result of the community-mindedness of a few organisations involved in blood testing and laboratories etc, a very reasonable pricing proposal's been put to the Army,” he said.

“We're hoping that the Army will approve that and we can get underway on that very quickly.

“Really it'll just be their information to educate everybody and may or may not allay a lot of concerns but it's information that's obviously needed and it needs to be gathered quickly given that it seems the issues are going to remain very relevant and perhaps a bit broader than expected.”