Over 100 water utilities have come together under a new Technology Roadmap. 

Initiated by Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA), the new W-Lab initiative is intended to guide the water industry in using innovative technology solutions to secure a new water future.

“The Technology Roadmap depicts a new water future vision co-created by the water-industry in Australia and New Zealand,” says Mr Adam Lovell, WSAA executive director.

“In developing the Roadmap, we listened to and engaged with W-Lab members, provocateurs, international water authorities and other industries.”

Barwon Water Managing Director Tracey Slatter said; “I’m delighted to launch the W-Lab Technology Roadmap”.

“Through W-Lab, local water utilities have collaborated successfully and there has been a sharing of collective knowledge. By working together, we can share our resources, expertise and experience to collectively achieve our desired outcomes,” she said.

“This is a very exciting time for the local water sector and I encourage all water utilities to enthusiastically seize the opportunity that W-Lab offers so that the sector as a whole, individual utilities and more importantly, all of our customers can reap the specific benefits of technology innovation now and into the future.”