Hunter Water is seeking feedback on its plan for future water security.

The authority has released the draft Lower Hunter Water Security Plan - which it describes as the culmination of more than three years of investigations, assessment and engagement with the community.

Minister for Water, Property and Housing, Melinda Pavey, says the draft report sets out a pathway until 2060.

“Hunter Water has developed a draft plan that will support the growth of the region and ensure it can respond to system shocks, including drought and a changing climate,” Ms Pavey said.

Hunter Water Managing Director, Darren Cleary, said the recent drought has highlighted the vulnerability of the water supply system.

“The recent drought rewrote the rules for many communities around New South Wales. New insights gained during the drought have confirmed that our region is more vulnerable to drought than we previously thought,” Mr Cleary said.

“The Hunter’s storages can go from typical operating levels to critical in less than three years. If drought were to continue beyond this, our region could run out of water.

“A key objective of our future planning is to make sure we can supply enough water to meet the demand from households, businesses and industrial customers, while underpinning regional prosperity and nurturing the unique Lower Hunter environment,” Mr Cleary said.

The draft Lower Hunter Water Security Plan is now on public exhibition for a six-week period, concluding on Sunday 19 September 2021. A copy of the plan and opportunities for feedback are accessible here.