The Murray-Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) has announced the release of a further 20GL for the Living Murray plan as part of a larger environmental watering currently underway in the Barmah–Millewa Forest icon site.


"The extra water will create a small pulse to benefit the nationally endangered trout cod and threatened Murray cod and silver perch, as well as other large-bodied native fish such as the golden perch," said Chief Executive Officer of the Murray–Darling Basin Authority Dr Rhondda Dickson.


Recent observations from local fishermen and research by scientists has confirmed that large-bodied species such as golden and silver perch are now in spawning condition. Previous research has shown that pulses stimulate breeding, with the extra watering and pulses delivered in 2005–06 resulting in a ten-fold increase in fish spawning.


The Living Murray water will be delivered with 10 GL from both the NSW Government and the Victorian Environmental Water Holder, bringing the total to 40 GL. This will create a pulse for about two weeks, and will mimic the pulses that would have occurred in the Murray under natural conditions.