Call for applications for Round 2


As part of Water for the Future, the Australian Government is calling for applications for the Private Irrigation Infrastructure Operators Program in New South Wales.


Private irrigation infrastructure operators within the Murray-Darling Basin in NSW are invited to submit proposals for projects that will generate water savings. The program aims to acquire water entitlements resulting from these water savings. These projects will improve the efficiency and productivity of water use and management, both off and on-farm, by private irrigation infrastructure operators.


These projects will allow private irrigation infrastructure operators and their customers to minimise water losses and manage their water allocations more efficiently. They will also assist dependent irrigation communities to adapt to a future scenario of reduced water availability due to climate change.


The total funding commitment for this program is $650 million. In April 2010 the previous Minister announced funding of up to $263 million under Round 1 of the Program which will return 69 billion litres of water entitlement to the environment.


On 18 February 2011, the Minister announced funding of up to $373 million under Round 2 of the Program.


Applications close 4pm Eastern Standard Time on Friday, 22 July 2011.


We strongly recommend that all potential applicants contact the Department to clarify any aspects of the Guidelines of which they are uncertain. However, the Department will not provide funding for an applicant to prepare an application.


Please note that there is no application form for this program. The Department is intending to let a consultancy for independent Technical Consultants to provide limited assistance to applicants. We strongly recommend that intending applicants contact the Department as soon as possible to register their interest. Registered applicants will receive updates on any changes to the Guidelines.


Contact us via email at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Alternatively you can write to:
Private Irrigation Infrastructure Operators Program in NSW
NSW Priority Projects Section
Australian Government Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities
GPO Box 787
Canberra ACT 2601