Queensland irrigators have backed calls for the state to look at a water embargo, which could secure flows for New South Wales.

The QLD Natural Resources department has received a letter from NSW Water Minister Niall Blair, asking for irrigation restrictions north of the border to help far western NSW.

Mr Blair has been looking for new deals after he restricted supplementary flows north of Broken Hill, which some industry bodies staunchly opposed.

Alan Whyte from the South West Water Users group says imposing restrictions in Queensland, could be a big boost to Darling communities.

“One of the things which certainly in the last flow event came into play, was that most of the rain was on the Queensland side of the catchment and a lot of the flow didn't go over the New South Wales border,” he told the ABC.

“I would think it's a very valid discussion to have, I wouldn't be overly optimistic that it there'll be an immediate decision.

“I'm somewhat surprised at the objections to the embargoes from some of my irrigation colleagues up north.

“If you come back to the basic reality, the biggest issue is the town's water supply for Broken Hill which is 18,000 to 20,000 people.

“That's a huge issue, to be suggesting that low-priority licenses up north are of higher priority that a town water supply for Broken Hill is more than a lad simplistic. I'd commend Niall Blair for the decision he made, it was the right one.

“The threat to the businesses down here [in the lower Darling] based on high security licenses is significant.

“I haven't heard anyone up north thinking about any of that and I'd suggest that's grossly negligent.”