The South Australian Government has announced 100% allocation in 2013-14 for the state’s Murray irrigators.

State Water Minister, Ian Hunter, said that despite the prevailing dry conditions experienced over the last six months, entitlement holders will have full access to their maximum water allocation.

"The Murray Darling Basing Authority has confirmed South Australia will again receive its full River Murray Entitlement Flow of 1850 gigalitres in 2013-14, which means entitlement holders can have 100 per cent allocation," Mr Hunter said.

Mr Hunter also said that the Government had introduced a suite of new measures aimed at making water trading simpler for irrigators.

“The Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources has activated a new online form to make water trading quicker and easier,” says the Minister.

“The new SmartForm means that water licensees or brokers can submit an online application to manage changes to their water needs, including the transfer of a water allocation.”

Application forms can be accessed and submitted at any time. They can be found at: