Environmentalists and commercial fishers are using art and technology to fight the scourge of ghost nets encircling the Cocos (Keeling) Islands off Western Australia.

Project Recon, by Australian group Tangaroa Blue and tech firm Satlink, introduces an inventive solution. GPS-equipped buoys will be deployed to track and eliminate discarded fishing nets drifting around the Cocos (Keeling) Islands.

These ‘ghost nets’ endanger marine life by ensnaring creatures as they drift. 

To counter the elusive nets, Project Recon enlists fishermen to mark their locations using GPS buoys. The innovative tech can even create virtual barriers, notifying authorities if nets approach sensitive areas.

The Cocos (Keeling) Islands are heavily affected by debris from the Indonesian Archipelago. Project Recon strives to remedy this crisis by involving the community and addressing logistical challenges.

Local artist Joelie Russell has been transforming the plastic waste into art, symbolising the island's resilience. The island community actively participates in beach clean-ups and initiatives, playing a pivotal role in solving the problem.

More details are accessible here.