The Queensland Government will spend $15 million on dam feasibility studies that it says Barnaby Joyce is avoiding.

A locally-designed starfish-hunting death machine has opened fire on the Great Barrier Reef.

The Queensland Resources Minister says gas is the “fuel of the future”.

The Victorian Government released a new $500 million water management framework.

Rural Darwin residents have voiced concerns about Northern Territory Government plans to monitor private water bores.

Analysts claim Queensland’s coal mines will be granted $100 million worth of free groundwater.

The Defence Department is checking more areas for the presence of toxic fire-fighting foams.

The Snowy Mountains Hydro Scheme has been heritage listed.

Large water-bound turbines are being tested in Tasmania’s Tamar River.

An Australian science writer says women can fix the big challenges our planet faces.

A NSW council has rushed to apologise after taking two years to warn residents of water contamination.

The Murray Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) has painted a grim picture of job losses due to water buy backs in Queensland and NSW.

The Queensland Government has rejected Commonwealth funding for dam feasibility studies.

A giant metal tube will soon start playing an important role in south-east Queensland’s water security.

Desalinated water currently provides the bulk of Perth’s drinking supplies.

The Australian Water Association has launched its latest Australian Water Outlook.

BP is abandoning plans for exploration drilling in the Great Australian Bight.

The Queensland Government is fast-tracking the remaining approvals for Adani’s Carmichael coal mine.

New research is questioning the old ‘eight glasses of water a day’ adage.

The Australian Dental Association has issued a warning about “extremist” anti-fluoride groups.

Marine scientists are working on a robot to protect the Great Barrier Reef.

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