New research findings published by the CSIRO warns that serious declines in the April-May period will occur following the expansion of the subtropical dry-zone.

The Victorian Government has released a new five year plan that will co-ordinate the $1 billion worth of works being rolled out over across the state’s waterways to improve the health of the Yarra River and Port Phillip Bay.

The Western Australian Government has outlined new water efficiency programs for regional towns experiencing low water storage levels, which it estimates could save as much as 4.3 billion litres in the first year of operations.

The first water from an agricultural project that uses surplus water from nearby mining operations has commenced working.

Infrastructure NSW has announced the release of the State Infrastructure Strategy, which recommends 70 major projects and reforms that should take priority over the next five, 10 and 20 years in an attempt to drive productivity and economic growth.

Grampians-Wimmera-Mallee Water (GWMWater) has announced that the full support of its irrigators in its bid to transfer 28,000 gigalitres of water to the Federal Government.

Strong run-off and average September rainfall has seen Melbourne’s water storage pass 80 per cent capacity for the first time in 15 years.

Drinking water has begun to flow from the new Victorian Desalination Plant through the 84 kilometre underground pipeline and into Melbourne’s Cardinia Reservoir.

The Murray-Darling Basin Authority’s (MDBA) Northern Basin Advisory Committee has held its first meeting in Canberra to discuss specific issues facing the Northern Basin area.

The Federal Government has announced the signing of a $5 million agreement between Geoscience Australia and Engineers Australia that will see a complete revision of the Australian Rainfall and Runoff guide, with an aim to achieve a better understanding of flood risks faced by communities.

The Western Australian Government has launched an allocation plan it says will deliver significant water efficiency gains for the Middle Canning River while supporting existing use and maintaining its ecological values.

Western Australia’s Economic Regulation Authority (ERA) has released its final Draft Report on costing and appropriate charges for the services of the Water Corporation, Aqwest and the Busselton Water Board.

North-eastern Victorian water supplier Lower Murray Water has posted a $8.8 million loss in its 2011/12 Annual Report.

The Federal Government has introduced a bill aimed at assisting in delivering economic, social and environmental outcomes for the Murray Darling Basin.

The Federal Government has officially launched the new Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) for Water Sensitive Cities, which will work with over 70 research, industry and government partners to find new and better ways to use and reuse water resources.

International standards body Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) has released a new water information standard, known as WaterML2.0.

The Queensland Government has announced it is now considering an independent review of Seqwater’s report into the January 2011 floods.

The Queensland Government ahs announced that some communities that have not yet implemented water fluoridation will have an opportunity to apply for exemption.

The Queensland Government has invited communities and stakeholders to view the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the expansion of Xstrata Coal’s Newlands Coal Mine.

The New South Wales Government has confirmed the implementation of new protections being afforded to groundwater aquifers across the state.

The New South Wales Government has opened the Environmental Assessment (EA) of Sydney Water’s $225 million to the public for a consultation period.

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