The Queensland Government has passed laws to avoid having to pick up the tab when big firms fail.

Bendigo Council is calling for a drought declaration.

Australia's leading scientists are concerned that the CSIRO will lose millions of dollars in international grants.

Public health campaigners have collected and tested Broken Hill drinking water.

Coral bleaching has been discovered in Sydney Harbour, while the Great Barrier Reef worsens.

Dry times should continue for the rural NSW town of White Cliffs.

Reports say a Senate committee will soon call for bans on microbeads and single-use plastic bags.

Underground coal gasification (UCG) will soon be banned in Queensland.

Engineers have unveiled what could be the next big thing in oil spill cleanup.

Renowned US environmentalist Bill McKibben has given a clear warning to the Tasmanian Government that things will get worse.

New figures show the value of Australia's natural wealth has nearly doubled.

A warning has been issued as the blue-green alage out break in the Murray River continues to spread.

Evidence has been found of coral bleaching on Western Australia's Kimberley coast.

South Australia’s irrigators will soon learn their minimum opening water allocations, after months of frustration.

Experts say they are ‘working blind’ when it comes to predicting erosion along most of Australia’s coast.

Some intriguing documents suggest TasWater has been avoiding scientific findings about lead contamination.

Executives have reassured Tasmanian Premier Will Hodgman that the Basslink power cable will be repaired in June.

Leaked emails have caused outrage among CSIRO workers this week.

Former Liberal leader John Hewson says the next global recession could be caused by climate change.

New South Wales Department of Primary Industries Water says the Darling River is being managed well.

An independent report has found Commonwealth buybacks in the southern Murray-Darling have forced up water water prices over the past five years.

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