New Zealand is helping out its Pacific neighbours by supporting the construction of the region’s largest solar panel array.

West Australian builders are looking at a new project which could cut the death toll from shark attacks near beaches.

Japan will hunt whales again, after it announced a ‘redesign’ of its ‘scientific’ slaughter.

An expert in water management policy has launched an investigation of one state’s policies and practice, while water bills continue to rise.

Adelaide’s water bills are officially “the highest of all comparable Australian water utilities”, and a new report blames the SA government.

The New South Wales State Water department has embarked on an overhaul of its IT systems, bringing cohesion to improve services for its 6300 licensed water users.

Research has revealed a new way to gauge sea-level changes and deep-sea temperature changes over the past 5.3 million years.

One US city has dumped millions of litres of drinking water after a local teenager was spotted urinating in the supply.

There is speculation this week that the Federal Government will look to axe a major water policy advisory body in the effort to cut costs.

State, federal and local government authorities have toured cyclone-hit regions of north Queensland in the wake of the weekend deluge, with funding packages announced and rolling-out for thousands of residents.

Sydney water authorities have tried out a new set of sensors to gauge the health of waterways, turning to a natural alarm to check for contamination.

The hand-picked team tasked with assessing the federal government’s Direct Action climate change plan says it will not work.

Public sector insiders say a push is on to save billions by squeezing all government functions into “super departments”.

Studies have shown decades after the end of large-scale sperm whaling, their numbers are yet to recover.

Australian researchers have sought to find out just how clean our recycled water is.

Ten new species of parasite have been discovered in the kidneys of cuttlefish, and it appears the microscopic bugs enforce strict boundaries on their sexuality.

Humans may love building dams, but they have not been so great for fish, until now.

New rules forcing Northern Territory fishers into wilder waters put safety at risk, the industry says.

The Federal Government has launched a new water purchase round in the New South Wales Murray and Lower Darling catchments.

Two new reports on the state of Australia’s water industry show most Australians now enjoy safe and secure water supplies, but prices have increased.

Progress has been made on a digging robot inspired by the unique style of an oceanic clam.

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