Community members in Far North Queensland are waiting to see what fate will be bestowed on them by the Queensland Government, with the state’s Deputy Premier saying he will all but disregard environmental authorities in favour of regional development.

In the same week that international scientists publish clearer evidence of humanity’s influence on climate change, the Australian government is reducing its focus on pollution, the environment and science itself.

A groundwater monitoring group wants to take a real assay of bore water levels and pressure near coal seam gas operations – calling for 1000 landholders to take part.

Members of South Australia’s state government environmental departments have set out the criteria for irrigation funding.

The Water Sharing plans for several rivers in New South Wales are under review, but the state’s Primary Industries Minister assures it is likely that little will be changed.

Insiders are waiting to see whether changes will be made to a ban imposed by the former Environment Minister on trawling activities around Tasmania.

Court proceedings have begun today in Queensland’s Land Court, with several groups trying to stop the Alpha Coal Project in the state’s central west.

An astounding discovery has shown massive underground water supplies beneath a remote region of Kenya, normally plagued by drought.

One regional council in New South Wales has deferred back to general scientific consensus, voting to undo a previous ban and start adding fluoride to its water.

The resource sharks are circling a proposed offshore petrochemical plant near the Northern Territory.

Wide Bay residents are worried some tourists to the area may be overcome by more natural beauty than they intended, with concerns over plans to release dam water near a camp-site.

Evidence has been found of diverse life forms which have been locked in lakes buried beneath Antarctica for over one hundred thousand years.

Almost everybody is familiar with the slow roll of waves at the beach, the subject of millions of cliché postcards and holiday snaps, but now scientists have recorded the breaking of waves as tall as skyscrapers - deep beneath the ocean’s surface.

Manta rays are immense, smooth, dark, intimidating and certainly difficult to miss, but scientists in Queensland are concerned about the future of the world’s largest ray.

Fish living in a certain lagoon near Sydney are ready for their high-definition close-up, with UNSW teams monitoring entrants to the Narrabeen Lagoon in an Australian-first project.

A team from the Murdoch University are investigating ways to protect the vital water supplies for remote desert communities.

Health authorities in South Australia are considering expanding a scheme to tally the amount of lead polluting public areas and the environment.

There has been outrage in one NSW community after an underground coal mine was blamed for considerably damaging the nearby environment.

Another East Coast council has brought the fluoridation debate to the fore once more.

A Greens party member in New South Wales has unleashed on a plan to build a desalination plant in the Hunter Valley, saying increased water prices would place a big burden on taxpayers.

Harvest time is here for one of Australia’s newest cash crops, with Tasmanian seaweed farmers reaping what the ocean has sown.

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