Groundwater is a natural resource which enables the activities of many other industries, now a centre dedicated to studying groundwater has put a price on the hugely important resource.

Queensland Premier Campbell Newman plans for his state to be the export point for hundreds of millions of tonnes of resources per year, by way of developments at five of its existing ports.

The Western Australian Government is most certainly in the fracking industry, and may intend to stay there for centuries.

A new study has taken up the ambitious task of predicting a full chain of events - beginning with our current chemical impact on the ocean - to forecast the state of the sea in a hundred years from now.

As you may or may not have noticed, icicles have ripples of exactly the same wavelength no matter how big they get. Scientists are now trying to work out why.

The person in charge of water in the new Federal Government has attended meetings with irrigators, who are concerned that changes to water rights and protocols could leave them inundated, rather than irrigated.

Australia is set for a tempestuous end-of-year, with forecasts predicting an 11-cyclone season.

A protracted legal battle between the Victorian Government and the builder of a billion dollar desalination plant has been resolved.

Scientists in North Queensland are reporting remarkable success in attempts to reduce the amount of agricultural chemical run-off to the Great Barrier Reef.

An Australian research group has been empowering women to a prosperous future through education and training all over the planet.

Australians will have to put aside their understandable scepticism and embrace the benefits of recycled water, a recent report has told.

Lobbyists for the gas resource industry are pushing the Federal Government expand offshore and coal seam projects to avoid a predicted shortage in supply.

One town has been left so parched by drought conditions that it is trucking-in water every day.

There has been concern from a New South Wales environment group over the intentions of Federal Environment Minister Greg Hunt, calling on him to publicly commit to thorough investigations of coal and gas projects near water supplies.

Scientists have shed light on the lives-of-plenty enjoyed by lithodid crabs in the deep sea, made possible by a constant smorgasbord of bacteria which themselves feed on accumulated methane.

An environmental impact study has been released for a proposed export facility at Port Bonython in South Australia, finding it could affect the seasonal cycles of giant Australian cuttlefish.

Residents of a town in New South Wales have taken their ongoing battle over coal seam gas drilling to the state’s Premier.

There is concern today from the National Irrigators Council, who are pushing to stop part of the Murray River being listed as “critically endangered”.

Gravitational shifts have indicated something is happening in Antarctica, and a team of researchers from ANU are on their way to check it out.

The Newcastle Port Authority has ignored the significant concerns of a local conservation group, storming ahead on plans to dredge millions of cubic metres to fit in more ships.

One of the greatest contributors to our current knowledge of the Southern Ocean is stepping aside to make way for a younger model.

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